Thursday, February 10, 2011

Expats, who the hell do you think you are?

I have lived here for close to 7 years and I have become one with Malaysia, ok thats not true, I still don't like chicken feet, but the fact remains that I have never felt like an expatriate. I have since maybe the first month felt like this would be home for a few years at least, decades more likely.

To be blunt and honest, I don't like Expats, although technically I am an Expat but I have never been that arrogant ass who is always complaining about the way things are in Malaysia.

I admit, I complain about a lot of things, the drivers are unbelievable, Montreal was tame in comparison. I do complain about the restraunts, not the food but the condition of the restraunts themselves, but for the most part I am happy living here.

Remember that the salaries for an expat middle manager is the same as it would be in say, England, Australia or Canada, but also includes rent for a nice apartment, a car and an expense account, but the cost of living is very low, for example a liter of petrol costs RM 2 ( $0.60 USD ). A good meal in a nice restaurant for 2, with wine and dessert would come in at about RM300, or about $100 USD. My rent on a 4 bedroom link house with a garden and about 1200 sqft is less than $250 USD.

So, whenever i meet a young 30 something expat thats got a maid, a BMW and weekends on the coast with a cooler of ice full of beer, and I hear them complaining I usually ask them, "So back home in <Insert Western Country> you could afford to have a maid, a BMW and weekends at the coast? So why don't you go back there and enjoy <Insert Western Country>, rather than bitching about the country you "Chose" to come to, no one forced you to come. This invariably ends my dipping into their cooler of beer.

One complaint that I here a lot from expats is about the working girls in the clubs, I don't need to explain to you why these girls are there. These guys are always complaining about the girls being there, well if the girls weren't there, there would be nothing but a bunch of horny expats standing round holding their, errmm drinks. I don't condone the practice, but it's better than getting some local girl pregnant and giving the her a peck on the cheek and buggering off home to where ever you came from. I accept that men of that young age need an outlet but dating local girls isn't it, there are so many local girls with bastard children around, it's sad. You also have to understand this isn't like in your country, if these girls are Malay (Muslim) they can go to jail for having a baby outside of marriage, its a very serious offense.  These guys don't think about that, do they? I see more and more older guys with young girls.

Granted there are cases where the girl is looking for a way out of Malaysia, but I think these cases are far and few between, far less common than the guys looking for a contract girlfriend. My wife and I met a guy who was in his late 60's he was about to marry a 20 something girl, he was happy as a clam and she had stars in her eyes. Was it wrong, I don't think in this case it was, I think it was a very well thought out transaction, weird, yes, but not wrong.

The number of men that I have met with Malaysian girlfriends and a wife back home is staggering and they all give a little nod, that they think says "Good on ya mate" but to me it says something very different, it says "I'm a lecherous bastard and I'll trade this one in as soon as I find someone younger and when I go home I'll change my phone number."

I have met expats from many countries but I refer above to only a few Western countries that I have seen this behavior: some Canadians, Americans, Australians and British. To be totally fair, I have met a lot of people from those countries that were very nice and loved living here, but for the most part they are married with children and about my age, mid 40's - early 50's.


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