Yesterday I wrote about the weather and I have many times in the past said that the weather here in KL is always the same, except when it isn't.
So some one reading the blog sent me a few pictures of the snow in Edmonton this year and while I was reading the email, the rain gods decided to dump the works on us, so I took a few pictures, but really the pictures didn't show what it was like.
So here are a couple of videos I took a few hours ago, I would have uploaded them as it was happening except that the power went out. I have to confess to being absolutely useless when it comes to video editing, so I'm uploading the raw footage from the less than stellar video camera function on my iPhone 3Gs, not Panavision for sure. Sorry if this post isn't all that pretty, but I am learning how to do these posts with video.
Video 1: I took this video from the bedroom window, listen carefully to the rain and thunder. You can also see that the house accross the road is being renovated, something that is very very common and seems everyone is doing it this year, its Chinese New Year right now and most people tend to do renovations just before, but the people that own that house are Malay. You'll see also the small river, the video doesn't show it all that well, behind that garbage skip is a drain thats over flowing, that milky water you see there is about a foot deep. The torrent to the left is the water running off our roof.
Video 2: is also from the upstairs bedroom, but to the other side of the house. This video is shorter and you can see the amount of water that got blown in as I was closing the window. The major torrent is again simply the rain running off the roof.
The windows over look the carport roof and in the next video you can see the water running off the car port getting me very wet I might add, but this is what I'm willing to do so you readers can get the grasp of what I live...blah blah blah. I know, just watch the video.
Video 3: This was taken in the carport at the front of our house, thankfully our drive slants down toward the road, some of our neighbours aren't as lucky. Some time I'll take a walk around and shoot video of the area when its raining hard. You can see clearly in this video that the water is rushing down our drive, I missed the white water at the bottom, I didn't want to get my phone wet.
The weather as I mentioned yesterday has been weird and for some reason when it rains now it's lasting longer, normally it will rain almost everyday, but only for a few minutes, lately the rain storms have lasted an hour or more.
I would upload more but the time it takes and the fact that I don't know if it will even work, so bare with me and I'll shoot more videos later.
Cheers and remember you can always put more clothes on to stay warm, but I can't go out naked!
The windows over look the carport roof and in the next video you can see the water running off the car port getting me very wet I might add, but this is what I'm willing to do so you readers can get the grasp of what I live...blah blah blah. I know, just watch the video.
Video 3: This was taken in the carport at the front of our house, thankfully our drive slants down toward the road, some of our neighbours aren't as lucky. Some time I'll take a walk around and shoot video of the area when its raining hard. You can see clearly in this video that the water is rushing down our drive, I missed the white water at the bottom, I didn't want to get my phone wet.
The weather as I mentioned yesterday has been weird and for some reason when it rains now it's lasting longer, normally it will rain almost everyday, but only for a few minutes, lately the rain storms have lasted an hour or more.
I would upload more but the time it takes and the fact that I don't know if it will even work, so bare with me and I'll shoot more videos later.
Cheers and remember you can always put more clothes on to stay warm, but I can't go out naked!
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