I haven't really mentioned it here or anywhere else for that matter, but I quit smoking in May and I wanted to share the process.
I decided to quit smoking one morning when I got up and started coughing, turns out I had a cold, but I did decide to quit. I quit once before and I did it using Zyban and this time I figured it worked once it should work again. The only problem is that they don't sell Zyban here in malaysia, but they do sell Champix*, so thats what I decided to try. The idea is the same with both, you keep smoking for 2 weeks while taking the medication and then you stop smoking but keep taking the meds for 3 months or so.
I smoked while taking the pills for about a week and then pretty much stopped completely, with the occasional cheats for a month or so. To be completely honest it was simple, as long as I took the pills I didn't want a cigarette, but if I missed a pill the next morning I wanted to smoke, but didn't. I still get the cravings, but not as frequent as before, and I haven't caved in to them since about June 15th at 5:07 am, not that I'm keeping track.